Please join members of the Dartmouth Community this Wednesday, June 2nd at 8:30pm on the Green for a candlelight walk and vigil in solidarity with Rwanda and Kwibuka.

Kwibuka means ‘remember’ in Kinyarwanda. It describes the annual
100 day commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi,
which begins on 7 April 2014 when the Genocide in Rwanda began.

More than one million Rwandans died in these hundred days. It was one of human history’s darkest times. Twenty years later, Rwanda asks the world to unite to remember the lives that were lost, so that such an atrocity can never happen again. It is also a time to learn about Rwanda’s story of reconciliation and nation building.

Kwibuka calls on the world to stand against genocide in three ways:
To remember:
Honoring the memory of those who died.
Offering support to those who survived.
To unite:
Rwanda shows that reconciliation through shared human values is possible.
They ask the world to do the same.
To renew:
As Rwanda is built anew, they are humbled to share their experiences and learn from others. Let’s create a better world together.

Please, join members of our community for this candlelight vigil in remembrance, unity, and in preparation for the future of Rwanda.
June 2nd, 8:30pm. Dartmouth Green.

-YALI Fellows @ Dartmouth
Dickey Center for International Understanding
William Jewett Tucker Foundation