In the fall of 2014, a new fellowship program to strengthen and extend learning in introductory science courses is being initiated by the Biology & Chemistry departments.  The teaching science fellows (explained below) for the coming year would like your help and have put together the following questionnaire.   Your help, based on your experiences in the introductory courses in these departments, will be greatly appreciated as they begin to assemble their program.

All responses are anonymous & will go to the fellows for analysis & collation.

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

Beginning this fall, there will be teaching science fellows associated with the introductory science courses in biology and chemistry. These fellows, recent Dartmouth graduates who have completed these courses, will be tasked with providing adjunctive learning experiences for enrolled students. This survey is not designed to be a course evaluation, but rather is intended to determine how these fellows could best be used to enhance the learning experience. Student feedback is an important part of this process - and so we'd love to hear from you, as students who enrolled in one (or more!) of these classes :) All your responses are anonymous.


Rui Shu '15

Natalia Vecerek '14

Saara-Anne Azizi '14?

2014-15 Teaching Science Fellows