Come hear Jeffrey R. Young, an editor and writer focused on technology issues and education, discuss how recent trends in technology will transform college teaching!

Technology and digital devices have become more important than ever on college campuses including Dartmouth. Computers, the Internet, and other digital resources have revolutionized the speed and depth of learning at today's universities. However, they are also calling into question the cost and effectiveness of how a college-level education is attained. This Thursday, Jeffrey R. Young, Louis Stark Nieman Fellow at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism and Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, will speak to this topic and how it will affect the way that learning might change in the future, specifically at Dartmouth. He will address why free online courses may spark an education revolution, how colleges are responding to questions about their cost and effectiveness, and what professors and administrators need to know about the latest tech buzzwords.

4:30 - 6 in Rocky 003 on Thursday, May 8th!

Followed by a PoliTALK dinner with the speaker (for students only, free dinner!) until 7:15

RSVP for dinner here:

Jeffrey R. Young is an editor and writer focused on technology issues and the future of education. He is currently a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, and a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. This summer he will return to The Chronicle of Higher Education, where he is a senior editor covering technology. He is also an adjunct professor of journalism at the University of Maryland at College Park, teaching a course on multimedia storytelling. Young is the author of the e-book Beyond the MOOC Hype: A Guide to Higher Education's High-Tech Disruption. He has also written for national publications including The New York Times, New Scientist, Slate, and The Wall Street Journal. Young is a frequent speaker on issues of education and technology, having given talks at the World Knowledge Forum, SXSW, and education and campus events. He received a bachelor's degree in English from Princeton University in 1995 and a master's in communication, culture, and technology from Georgetown University in 2001.