Interested in
> counter-terrorism
> Arab-Israeli relations
> Persian Gulf security
> South Asia, especially India and Pakistan?

Come have dinner with a specialist in these areas!

World Outlook is hosting a dinner with Bruce Riedel, Director of the Brookings Intelligence Project and Senior Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy (Brookings Institution), on Wednesday, May 14th, at 6pm in Haldeman 41.

Jewel of India will be served.
Blitz World Outlook with RSVPs by Monday, May 12th so we can get an accurate head count for food

About Bruce Riedel:
[]A former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst and counter-terrorism expert, Riedel served in the Agency for 29 years and advised four presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues on the staff of the National Security Counsel (NSC). He served as a policy advisor to the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama and in 2011, at the request of Prime Minister David Cameron, advised the United Kingdom’s National Security Council on Pakistan.

Riedel has received the Secretary of Defense Distinguished Service Medal (1997), the Distinguished Intelligence Medal (2001), and the Department of State Meritorious Honor Award (2006). He is a contributor to several journals and magazines, including Al-Monitor<> and The Daily Beast<>. His most recent book, Avoiding Armageddon: America, India and Pakistan to the Brink and Back, reviews the history of American diplomacy in South Asia, the crises that have flared in recent years, and the prospects for future crisis.

(also consider attending his lecture on Tuesday)

About World Outlook, Dartmouth's Undergraduate Journal of International Affairs:
~Published biannually, World Outlook receives and publishes submissions from around the world by today’s brightest young minds. In addition, the journal features interviews with major global thinkers, book reviews and opinion pieces by our own staff. Every year, students attend universities eager to broaden their horizons by exploring different ideas and new perspectives. By assembling the best work of their peers into one cohesive volume, we aid this process. World Outlook is excited to spread the word about the latest and best undergraduate research on international topics.