2014 Earth Week Schedule


Monday April 21st

Camelbak and Sporks for Sale in Collis!
An Earth Week tradition, stop by Collis Café and buy a Reusable Camelbak Water Bottle or Spork with your DBA!

Earth Week Bulletin

Follow Earth Week happenings through our daily Bulletins. Each day, one of our awesome Green Groups will distribute a funny picture, inspirational quote, suggested sustainability behavior for you to try out, or introspective (but amusing) tidbit on what sustainability means to them!

Tuesday April 22th

4th Annual Sustainability and Social Justice Dinner

6:00 to 8:00pm, Hanover Inn Ballroom

 Delicious dinner, panel, and community dialogue about the intersection of sustainability and social justice. RSVP required. Co-Sponsored by SPEC and the Tucker Foundation! 2014 Speakers: Katie Gougelet ’14, Mary DiGeronimo ’14, Ma’Ko’Quah Abigail Jones ’14, Professor of Biology David Peart, Professor of Environmental Studies Terry Osborne

Wednesday April 23rd

Global Clean Water Dinner

6:00 to 7:30pm, Fahey Ground Floor

 How are Dartmouth students and others in the Upper Valley bringing clean water to the developing world? Speakers: Carolyn Meub, Pure Water for the World, Dartmouth’s Tapapalooza Campaign, the $300 House Project, and Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineers’ SafaPani Project. BYO bowls and forks and enjoy yummy EcoVores dinner!


Thursday April 24th

Celebration of Sustainability and 3rd Annual Sustainability Awards

5 to 6:30pm, Loew Theater, Black Family Visual Arts Center

Come celebrate you and sustainability at Dartmouth. Learn about Dartmouth Sustainability past and present, what’s to come and whose behind all the hard work and progress. We will be recognizing students, faculty, and staff from across campus who have made notable efforts to advance sustainability at Dartmouth and beyond!


Friday April 25th

Farm Fresh Friday

4pm-6pm, Beta Lawn

 Relax and hang out with the Greek sustainability community in a casual wrap-up to Earth Week. Featuring live music by Reckless Breakfast, delicious foods from the Box, Rio Blanco Salsa, and other favorite Upper Valley vendors, art, and more! All are welcome!

Tuesday April 29th

Sustainability Solutions Café: John Ehrenfeld

4pm-5pm, Occom Commons

 “Flourishing, not Sustainability, Should Be Our Goal” Join us for a café discussion over tea and refreshments with leader in industrial ecology and author of Sustainability by Design.
