We wouldn't lie to you.

PB is going to
and we want to take you with us!

  *   ?The trip is NEXT SATURDAY, APRIL 19TH
  *   Buses leave at 11AM and return at 7PM
  *   ?Signups will be available MONDAY THE 14TH promptly at 5PM.
  *   The link will be on our FACEBOOK PAGE<http://www.facebook.com/ProgrammingBoard> - so like us for updates!
  *   As always: first come, first served!
  *   ?Cost is $20. (includes transportation and entrance)
  *   ?There are NO REFUNDS, so make sure you can go before you sign up!

If you make the cut, we will let you know by Tuesday April 15th and you must bring us a form of payment (dash, cash or check) by Wednesday the 16th. If your Dash is denied, we will be pulling the next person from the wait list - so make sure you have the funds in your account!


  *   Space is limited! We will be selecting on a first-come first-serve basis by using the time-stamp on your submission until all spots have been filled.
  *   If the bus has almost reached capacity and your entire group doesn't fit, we will not split up your group. We will move on to the next group that fits.
  *   If you are signed up with multiple blocks, your name will be thrown out from both. Be very clear about who you are signing up with and which of you is going to fill out the survey