Hey! Does this look good for the blitz to campus and when should I send it?

Students for Education Reform (SFER) at Dartmouth
is hosting our first open meeting of the term
Tuesday April 1st at 8 PM in Baker 158. Everyone is welcome to attend!

What is SFER?!?

SFER is a national organization with chapters on college campuses across the country dedicated to improving K-12 education. Come learn more about who we are and what we do at Dartmouth!

During 14W we hosted a discussion event on Ed Reform Policies, participated in National School Choice Week, and created the Educational Inujustice Library Display during finals week. We would love to see some new faces, so come learn more about education reform and our plans for spring term.

Blitz the account with any questions! Hope to see you soon!
-Students for Education Reform at Dartmouth
