*2014 Conference Schedule*

*The Second Annual Illustration, Comics, and Animation Conference at
Dartmouth 2014*
 Friday February 28, 2014

4:30-6 Haldeman 041 Registration and Check-In

6-7 Comic Book Fair: Various Center for Cartoon Studies artist-authors
showcase their works (curated by CCS student Nikolaus Gulacsik)

7:30-9:00 Informal drinks/late dinner at Salt Hill (Hanover)

 Saturday March 1, 2014

8:20-8:40—breakfast snacks available (outside of Haldeman 041)
(check-in table still available outside of Haldeman 041)

8:45-10:15 *Session One *(Haldeman 041): *Mapping Graphics *(Moderator:
Aimee Bahng, Dartmouth College)

   - Isaac Cates (University of Vermont) “Comics ≈ Poetry + Cartography”
   - Christina Meyer (Leibniz Universität Hannover) “19th Cent. Graphic
   Travel Narratives”
   - Fancis Lowe (Coventry University, UK) “The Travelling Line: An
   animator’s journey in itinerant storytelling and illustration”

10:25-11:55 *Session Two A *(Haldeman 041): *Motion and Guided Views
Aaron Kashtan, Georgia Institute of Technology)

   - Fatima Toturgul (New School for Social Research) “Reading Comics and
   Digital Technologies: Experiencing “Closure” and ‘Classic’ Format Versus
   Guided View™ Readings”
   - Greg Paziuk (University of Windsor) “Solving Problems”: *Red Son*,
   Motion Comics, and Interpretations of Comics Design”
   - Dale Jacobs (University of Windsor) “Exploring Mike Carey’s and David
   Kendall’s *Houses of the Holy*: Motion Comics, Multimodality,
   Arthrology, and Transtextuality”
   - Respondent: Aaron Kashtan*, *Georgia Institute of Technology

10:25-11:55 *Session Two B *(Haldeman 031): *Lines and Marks, Stills and
Screens *(Moderator: Annabelle C. Cone, Dartmouth College)

   - Natalie Pendergast (University of Toronto) “Demarcations in the Marks:
   Fabrice Neaud’s Variations on *la Ligne-expression*“
   - Matthew Brauer (Northwestern) “Denis Diderot, animator: early art
   criticism and the temporality of the still image”
   - Peter Chanthanakone (University of Iowa) “The Forgotten Drawings in 3D

12:15-1:30 *Lunch*

1:40-3:10 *Session Three* (Haldeman 041): *Out of the Box: Re-imaging the
Panel *(Panel Chair: James Spencer, MD)

   - Sean Antonucci (State University of New York, New Paltz) “The
   Materiality of “Obsolescence”: Design in Chris Ware’s Building Stories”
   - Heinz Insu Fenk (State Univeristy of New York, New Paltz) “The
   Reincarnation of “Krazy Kat”: Taoism, Zen, George Herriman, & the Public
   - Pauline Uchmanowicz (State University of New York, New Paltz) “If the
   Panel Fits: Hybrid Design in Cancer Vixen”

3:20-4:50 *Session Four A *(Haldeman 041): *History and/as Image *(Moderator:
Eliot Harper, Dartmouth College Class of 2016)

   -  Rachel Graf (University of Washington) “Plain as Black and White:
   Race and History in *Incognegro”*
   - Kevin Shortsleeve (Christopher Newport University) “The Cat in the
   Hippie: Dr. Seuss, Nonsense, the Carnivalesque, and the Sixties Rebel”
   - Geo Sipp (Western Missouri University) “Wolves in the City – The
   Algerian War and Colonialism in Comics”

3:20-4:50 *Session Four B* (Haldeman 031): *Dreams and Desire *(Moderator:
Laura R. Braunstein, Dartmouth College Library)

   -  Elizabeth Marshall  (Simon Fraser University) “Graphic Knowledge: The
   Pornification of “Little Red Riding Hood”
   - Sascha Cohen (Brandeis) “Illustrating the Movement: Cartoons of Gay
   and Lesbian Liberation”
   - Jessica Q. Stark (Duke) “Reading the Gutter: Liminal Community in
   Gilbert Hernandez’s Palomar Narratives”

5-6:30* Session Five *(Haldeman 041): *Comics and Autobiography *(Moderator:
Erin R. Landau, Dartmouth College Class of 2015)

   - Leigh Gilmore (Harvard Divinity School) “Getting a Handle on Pain in
   Comics and Life Narrative”
   - Frederik Byrn Køhlert, (University of Montreal) “Unstable
   Subjectivities: Autobiographical Selves in Comics and Moving Image Hybrids”
   - Ann M. M. Childs “Hybrid Point-of-Views and the Autobiographical

6:40-8 Conference *Banquet* at Hanover Inn (Haywood Room)

 Sunday March 2, 2014

8:20-8:40—breakfast snacks available

8:45-10:15 *Session Six* (Haldeman 041): *Cinema, Knowledge, and
Identity *(Moderator:
Andrew J. Feather, Dartmouth College, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies,
Class of 2015)

   - Sarah Hamblin (UMASS Boston) “Graphics of Attraction: Graphic Novels
   and Early Cinema”
   - Christopher Lehman (St. Cloud State University) “Animating the ‘Help’:
   Labor, Social Place, and the Hollywood Cartoon Mammy”
   - Panpan Yang (NYU) “Cultural Identity and Digital Nostalgia:
   Ink-and-wash Animation As A Case Study”

10:25-11:55 *Session Seven* (Haldeman 041): *Psyche, Physicality, &
Poetry *(Moderator:
Margaret E. Tierney, Dartmouth College Class of 2014)

   - Valentino Zullo (Case Western)  “What’s Diagnosis Got to Do With It?:
   Superheroes and Graphic Medicine
   - Andrew Kunka (University of South Carolina, Sumter) “Why did Matt
   Kindt Light my Book on Fire? Kindt and the Physicality of the Text”
   - Kian Bergstrom (Roosevelt) “Philip Sidney and Cerebus: Virtuous
   Delight Among the Earth Pigs”