Tonight at 9pm in SAE come to see:

Casual Thursday

Soul Scribes 


for a Valentine's Day Extravaganza!!!!

Bring a date. Or come alone. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet someone and strike up a conversation. The person you're talking to maybe shares a lot of the same hobbies as you and watches the same television. Then you find out that person came here with their significant other, which is kind of annoying, because you were hoping they were single. You become a little frustrated and walk away. Then you bump into someone and apologize. As you apologize, you lock eyes and you feel something warm and strange well up inside you. It goes away and you keep walking. You watch the show, you become enveloped in the comedy, the poetry, the music. You have a wonderful night. Then, just as you're leaving, you see the person you bumped into again. You ask for their name, they ask for yours. You talk for a little, and you realize you are both hungry. You go to Late Night Collis together. You talk for what feels like minutes: it was hours. You ask for their number. They give it to you. You go to bed, but you can't sleep: you're so excited from that interaction. The next day you call the person up, you're just too excited to wait. The two of you grab a meal and then go for a walk. You make snow angels and share secrets. You feel something you've never felt before. You know what that feeling is? It's love.

Come to our show!


Casual Thursday