Brought to you by the Office of Sustainability and Green Groups Directorate

MOVING DARTMOUTH FORWARD, 12-1pm in Haldeman 041, 6:30-7:30 pm in Fahey Ground Floor
The first session of the new community conversations, Moving Dartmouth Forward, will take place today, and features discussion of the D-Plan, Dartmouth's year round academic calendar. There will be two sessions to allow for community-wide participation. The conversations,which are open to faculty, students, staff and alumni will run from noon to 1 pm, in Haldeman 041, and again from 6:30 and 7:30 pm, on the ground floor of Fahey Hall. Read more: http://dartgo.orgdnowmdf.

ECO MEETING, 7:30 pm, Robo Basement
Interested in making change on campus? Want to think of project ideas for ways to make the Big Green even greener? Have ideas about mugs and mug use? Check out this week's ECO meeting. All are welcome, no experience necessary!

DC3 MEETING, 6:30 pm, Haldeman 124
Interested in discussing international environmental issues? Come check out the Dartmouth Council on Climate Change and help plan some awesome events for the term!

Love eating delicious home-cooked food? Want to perfect some of your cooking skills while hanging with other sustainably-minded people? Come to Ecovores this week! We are planning our next dinner of the term, and we need help cooking. Sign up here to help cook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoSp3YxtFUXgdEJKNjFGNlJBZm1SV0J0RGpTTjlNYVE&usp=sharing#gid=0

OFFICE HOURS, 12-2pm, Robo 108
Want to get involved in sustainability on campus? Have a random sustainability question? Just want to hang out and eat some yummy baked goods? Visit us for Office hours, every week on Thursdays.

ENVS SEMINAR: "Aquaculture Nutrition Strategies for Environmental Sustainability", 4 pm, Steele 007
Come listen to Dr. Pallab Sarker discuss his current research on the digestibility of different micro algae species and their incorporation into tilapia feed formula in an effort to improve sustainability of aquafeeds and assure human health benefits. Dr. Sarker's web page can be found at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~envs/faculty/sarker.html

AS ALWAYS, IF YOU WANT MORE INFORMATION, CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE sustainability.dartmouth.edu<http://sustainability.dartmouth.edu/> AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!