Get 10% off your entire purchase ...
On every purchase...
Through March 23rd!

For only $5.00 (DASH or CASH) get 10% off at all of the restaurants and stores below!  Basically, if you spend more than $50 off campus all term, you are getting free money.  The cards are good until 14S starts!

Blitz the Dartmouth Women's Rugby Club with your Hinman Box and 9-digit DASH and you'll get the card within three days.  Zero effort, major benefits!

If you would rather pay cash, we will be selling cards in front of Novack on January 27th and 28th from 10-2!

Valid at:



-The Chocolate Shop


-Metro Bakery and Caf?

-The Noodle Station/The Swirl & Pearl

-The Orient

-The Pink Alligator

-Traditionally Trendy

***Dine in and take out only.  Present your signed card with your student I.D. to receive your discount.  Card valid from January 24th until March 23rd.