1) Community-Wide Meeting with the Tucker Task Force

2) Attention Seniors! Lewin Post-Grad Fellowship Advising Going on Now!

3) Take a Break:  Sunday night Taizé services: 5-5:30 in Rollins Chapel

4) What Matters to Me and Why on Tuesday with performers from the HOP!

5) Come to Multi-Faith Conversations this Tuesday!

6) Apply for a Masters of Education program that incorporates service with ACE!

7) Volunteer Judges Needed for Public Forum Debate!


1) Community-Wide Meeting with the Tucker Task Force

Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 4 – 5:30 PM in Fahey Ground Floor



This is your chance to give direct input to the Tucker Task Force! Come with your ideas, comments, suggestions and concerns, whatever they might be. We want to hear any and every perspective on what Tucker means to you and how we can shape the future of the role of Tucker at Dartmouth! 


2) Attention Seniors! Lewin Post-Grad Fellowship Advising Going on Now!

Interested in designing your own 10-12 month fellowship with a non-profit organization after graduation? You choose the location (U.S. or abroad), the organization & the social justice issues that you are most passionate about! The Lewin application deadline is February 15, 2014 – but NOW is the time to start planning & contacting organizations!! Advising appointments are *required* & we’d love to brainstorm ideas with you, share information on past Lewin Fellowships & help you start the application process. Blitz [log in to unmask]  to set up an advising appointment today!

More info: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~tucker/funds-grants/postgrad/postgradlewin.html


3) Take a Break:  Sunday night Taizé services: 5-5:30 in Rollins Chapel

This week’s chapel theme is “Overcoming Doubts”.

The Sunday night Taizé service in Rollins Chapel is a wonderful way to experience inner stillness and peace in the midst of so much outer activity. This 30 minute candlelit service is patterned after the prayer from the Taizé community in France and has space for silence, scripture, meditation and simple singing (accompanied by incredibly talented student musicians).  For more information, talk to Nancy Vogele at Tucker. 


4) What Matters to Me and Why: HOP Performers

Join us for What Matters to Me and Why, featuring performers from the HOP.

Where: Tucker Living Room

When: Tuesday 11/12 12-1 pm

What: Insightful conversation about community and delicious Collis soup


5) Come to Multi-Faith Conversations!

Come to Multi-Faith Conversations on Tuesday from 5:45-7pm in Tucker 105! Dinner will be served. We hope to see you there!


6) Masters of Education & Service with ACE

ACE is a two year fully funded masters of education program that serves needy, under resourced Catholic schools across the country. The ACE fully funded Masters of Education (M.Ed.) intensively prepares teachers by integrating graduate level coursework with a supportive immersion teaching experience designed and administered by the University of Notre Dame.  All educational backgrounds are welcome and no prior teaching experience is necessary. You can learn more at  http://ace.nd.edu/teach!


7) Volunteer Judges needed for Public Forum Debate Tournament

Hanover High School is hosting a Public Forum Debate Tournament on Saturday, November 16th from 8:45am to 2pm for high school student students from across the Upper Valley and Vermont.  We are looking for volunteers to serve as "Citizen Judges" at our debates.  No prior debate experience is needed, and there will be a judge training session at the beginning of the tournament (as well as a continental breakfast).  We would really appreciate your support!

Please contact Elizabeth Chen (Hanover HS Debate Coach) at 643-5929 or by email at [log in to unmask] to sign up or if you have any questions.


Questions? Want to get involved? 

Blitz 'Tucker Foundation' 

Come by our offices in South Fairbanks Hall! (Behind the Class of 1953 Commons)

Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/TuckerFoundation

The William Jewett Tucker Foundation

"Nurturing the heart and soul of Dartmouth College"