Or is it the other way around...
Spend just a few hours with Rocky and boost your productivity for the rest of college! Here's how:

Stanford PhD, mindfulness expert, and Professor David M. Levy will be joining the Rockefeller Center for Mindful Tech: Learning to use Digital Technologies More Attentively and with Less Stress.

Student Workshops:

Public Lecture: "No Time to Think" on Thursday, Nov 7th from 4:30 to 6PM in Rocky 003

**Sign up for Student Workshops here!**
No need to RSVP for the lecture -- just show up!

Student Workshop Description: 
In the first session of this two-part workshop, I will introduce some simple mindfulness practices that can train us to be more relaxed and alert, and I will ask participants to perform a short exercise that involves bringing mindfulness to their use of email or Facebook. In the second session, we will discuss what participants learned from the exercise and we will explore how to multitask in a more mindful way.