Sign up to make $Money$
at the
Sustainable Clothing Sale
Oct. 28th, 11am-3pm, Collis Common Ground
Each year, the average American throws nearly 70 pounds of clothing. This means that millions of tons of wearable clothing end up in landfills across the United States every year. 
If you have clothes that have been gathering dust in your closet or are headed for the trash, why not save them from a dismal life at a landfill and make some cash while you’re at it? 
Sign up here as an individual, group of friends, Greek house or organization, and sell your used clothing directly to other members of the Dartmouth community. Signing up is completely free and you get to keep 100% of the money you make. At your personal table, you will be responsible for displaying and pricing your old flair, sports gear, formal attire, casual clothing, and any other sellable items. It's essentially a farmers market of clothing where students are the sellers/buyers!
If you have clothes to get rid of but don’t want to sell, that’s great too!  Drop off your used clothing at the “free” bin at the sale.
Any items that remain after the sale will be donated to the Listen Community Services in White River Junction.