1. Pecha Kucha this Friday (10/11), at 4pm, in Kemeny 8

Pecha Kucha is an open mike type event where you can present images of your works, with less than 20 images in about 5 minutes. It can be anything from doodling, photography, painting, sculpture, engineering & etc. Frank Uzzi '15 is going to show his sculpture and painting works done recently, and several alumni will join us to present their works and give feedback! (Lou's pies will be there.)

2. Information meeting with Mr. Gordon Wittenberg, the Director of the Graduate Studies of School of Architecture of Rice University!! When: 10/15 (Next Tuesday), at 4pm, in Architecture Studio (second floor) of Visual Arts Center

This is the best opportunity to get to know a great program. Even if you are young and might not know what you want to do after college yet, it would be great to take a glimpse at what architecture school is like, especially at Rice. So please come!! (Lou's pies will be there as well.)

Also, please reply back if you would like to be on our mailing list! Thanks.
