Hi campus!  This email is to announce a DOC/anyone-who-wants-to-come bike-n-picnic trip that will be happening this coming Saturday, July 27th at 11 AM (with an estimated return time of 2-3 PM).

The route: a relaxed 20ish mile loop into Vermont and up Union Village Road to the Union Village Dam recreation area (a great picnic spot, according to reliable sources). Once there, we'll set up for lunch and hang out for a little while before riding across the border back home. It should be a good way to get off campus for a little while, see some cool new sights and meet some new people. Extensive cycling expertise is in no way required, but some comfort with riding on roads would be good. It would be ideal if you brought your own bike to ride, although Outdoor Rentals has a limited number of extras for people who need them.

Also, it's Sophomore Parents Weekend, and parents are definitely encouraged to come! Show the family a little bit of Hanover's surrounding awesomeness without committing to a full-day odyssey.

We're aiming for a group of roughly 15 people, so blitz me at this address with your DASH (the trip's probably going to cost about $5 for food) to let me know if you want to ride- first come, first serve! Anybody can sign up, DOC affiliation or not.

And that's it for now!  Please blitz Hunter van Adelsberg '15 with any questions.

Ride on,