Hey there!

I know it's been a couple of days. How am I? O I'm great. Actually it's been sort of a tough week. I have contemplated my life choices and my life aspirations. That takes a lot out of you. Dont laugh. Oh dont you laugh. But I digress. What do you think of this...I'm thinking finish college a day before the rest of my peers (muhaha), become a cowboy for a few years, then start some kind of epic startup and make it big...ARE YOU STILL READING?....then when I am about 43 I'm thinking about studying astronautism. Then finally at age 70 I plan to reproduce with an older partner. If you would like to join me on this wild ride give me a call...1-800-ABC-DEFG. ugh....ok....i'll get to what yall are wondering


SIG EP.  8:30

with dat  Sing Dynasty


Matthew's Minstrels all the way up from Vassar!   Holy cow!!!!!!! That's like a few hours!!!!

-peace be with you