Hello everyone,


IvyQ is a conference which aims to create a pan-Ivy community of LGBTQ students and allies equipped with the skills to examine their identities, value those of others, and understand intersectionality. Dartmouth is hoping to put in a bid to host IvyQ here in 2014!


IvyQ generally costs $40,000 to $60,000, and we have to raise this money from scratch. We have been receiving applications for the past week from people who are looking to head the financing aspect of the conference.


It is not too late to apply and the applications are due this Saturday at 5pm, so blitz us if you are interested. However, if you aren’t looking to apply but are still interested in voting for who will hold the position, please blitz us by that same deadline and we will make the applications available to you. Voting will be done over blitz and take place on Sunday from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm.


Love and solidarity.

Your IvyQ Planning Team