Center for Gender and Student Engagement 

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*weekly blitz (3/4-3/10)*

building a cohesive campus engaged in dialogue


This Week on Campus

MON 6:30PM//"Transitions between Dartmouth and the 'Real World'"//Women's Forum

MON 5:30PM//SEXFEST//Campus groups


Monday 4th Mar.


Women's forum

"Transition from Dartmouth to the 'Real World'"

Have you ever contemplated the difference between day-to-day life as a college student and life in "the real world"? 
Have you ever felt challenged by transitioning between the two? 
Come listen to Sophie Choi '14 and Maia Matsushita '13 share stories about transitioning between Dartmouth and the outside world, and discuss your own experiences doing so! 

6:30pm C&G

Dinner Provided



An annual event designed to promote education around sexual health, healthy relationships, and sexuality in a carnival-style environment.

Candies and cookies galore! 

5:30pm Top of the Hop

Dinner Provided


For more information, contact 

The Center for Gender and Student Engagement


Center for Gender and Student Engagement

Dartmouth College

6 Choate Road

Hanover, NH
