Hi Everyone!

Elections will be on the first week of Spring Term on Thursday 3/28.

All Positions are Available: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Campus Programmer, Historian, and Treasurer. Specific descriptions of these positions are attached.

If elected, you will assume the role effective immediately for three terms: 13S, 13F, and 14W.
Past exec board members will serve as mentors to new exec board members. Sophomore Summer elections will also be held that same night. 

If you are interested in running for a position, please blitz a brief platform to La Alianza Latina's account by this Monday 3/25 at 5 PM.

If you have any questions or concerns please blitz La Alianza Latina's account.

***Also, remember that in order to vote you must have attended at least three meetings/events this term. (If you are off campus this term, you are eligible to vote if you have fulfilled these requirements during the last term you were on campus.)***