Interested in sharing your opinions on global sexual violence? Want to enjoy some FREE DESSERTS while listening to some excellent panelists share their opinions on the issues of sexual assault? Then COME TO THIS EVENT!

In light of the Delhi-gang rape this past December and also in coordination with V-week on our campus, Milan the South Asian Student's Association on campus has planned on hosting our very own discussion panel this FRIDAY, February 22th from 7:30-8:30 PM IN ALUMNI HALL! There will be FREE DESSERTS catered by the HANOVER INN as well as coffee served at the panel.

The speakers on the panel include:

Douglas Haynes - AMES professor focusing on South Asia 
Dinesh Paudel - Geography professor
Sanjana Awasty- Student who was in Delhi at the time of incident 
Soumya Gupta - Student who was in Delhi at the time of incident 
Diksha Gautham - Student who was in India at the time and SAPA 

Please spread the word about this event to all your friends! This panel could raise some very enlightening questions and discussion regarding sexual violence issues just not globally but in our very own community as well! We hope you all attend our event.


"Milan," a Hindi/Urdu word meaning "community," is the South Asian social and cultural group Dartmouth. Founded in 1987, Milan spans all of South Asia and serves as a focal point for students of South Asian origin and anyone interested in the region.