Did you know that the first architect to design theaters for movies was a Dartmouth Alum? Come and hear about the story of Fred Wesley Wentworth (Class of 1887), while enjoying Lou's pies!

Tuesday (February 26) at 5pm at C&G (1 South Main Street in Hanover, brick house across from the Hanover Inn and beside Dirt Cowboys).

Richard Polton, the author of the new book The Life & Times of Fred Wesley Wentworth: The Architect Who Shaped Paterson, NJ, and Its People will give a talk about FWW.

Wentworth was one of the founders of the Senior Society Casque & Gauntlet, and designed it's addition, and the room where we will be meeting. In Hanover he also designed Psi U. Fred was a highly accomplished and respected architect based in New Jersey, who worked in a number of styles including Art Deco on schools, cool theaters, and synagogues.

If you can't join us in person, do check out Richard's website on Wentworth:
