Come join your friendly neighborhoodAtheists, Humanists, and Agnosticsfor a discussion about what it means to actually have a separation between church and state!

We'll talk about stuff like:

Secularism doesn't mean that kids can't pray in public schools- it means that teachers can't teach those kids to pray in public schools.

There is no way to support being against the legalization of gay marriage without using religious support. And can you really make laws based on religion? Doesn't that make a theocracy?

Are the church and state separated at all in America, and should they be?

People of all faiths are welcome- come join the conversation!

Today!, FEBRUARY 21ST. 5:00<x-apple-data-detectors://0>, SARNER UNDERGROUND 66.


Look out for an EPIC MOVIE NIGHT co-sponsored between AHA and Cru this Friday the 22nd<x-apple-data-detectors://0>! Christians, agnostics, and atheists fighting about whether or not Batman is Jesus- what could be better?
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. ROCKY 002 @ 5:30<x-apple-data-detectors://1>.

and next term, we'll be visited by one Mr. JERRY DEWITT.
Ex-Pentecostal preacher talking about the dangers of faith and how to cope with losing'll be legendary.

As always, feel free to blitz us [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>!