You know you've been meaning to, so why not make this Monday the day?

This week's Monday Night Dinner is with *Joint ENVS and Geography 
Professor Christopher Sneddon!*

Date:* MONDAY February 11th!

*Location*: Amarna, 23 East Wheelock St.

*Time*: 7 pm
*Chefs*: Ben Turner '13, Samantha Smith '16, and Christine Garcia '13
*Menu:* We're going back to the basics after a long weekend - spaghetti, 
garlic bread, and apple pie.

And stay tuned for these professors, coming soon to an MND near you!

*2/18*: James Stanford
*2/25*: Edward Meyer

*** Cosponsored by Programming Board ***
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Timothy Pulju is an associate professor of environmental studies and 
geography. His researchfocus on the issue of how to reconcile human 
activities with the long-term integrity and vulnerability of ecological 
systems. Current interests and work include the political ecology of 
river basin development, primarily in Southeast Asia, transnational 
river basins (such as the Mekong and Zambezi), conflicts over water in a 
variety of settings, and the linkages among power, scale and 
institutions in the context of river basin management.