Time for another meeting with your favorite Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics!

Have you heard of the atrocities committed against the Tibetans by the Chinese? Or the Buddhists who self-immolate in protest against the Chinese rule over Tibet? The rockets that the Palestinians launch into Israel? Or what about the Israelis that are stealing the Palestinian's land?

These topics are what we'll be discussing and debating on Thursday, January 31st. Why are these conflicts happening? Are the methods used justifiable? And most importantly---- has religion made these conflicts vastly worse than they would've been otherwise?

The meeting will be held in
ROBO 14/15
(yeah, the room changed…again…we like to keep y'all on your toes)
ON THURSDAY 1/31 @ 5 P.M.

We look forward to having you join the conversation!


As always, feel free to blitz us any questions or comments!

notes for the future:

In late February, we're planning on a joint viewing of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES with CRU! Stay tuned for more details.
In May, we're going to be hosting the former Pentecostal preacher Jerry DeWitt! He'll be talking about all his experiences, you won't want to miss this!