It's warming up this week, so there's no better time to take a walk across campus...

For Monday Night Dinner with College Chaplain & Tucker Dean Richard Crocker!

Topic: "What constitutes a good life?"

Phil/socy/psych/religion major? Phil/socy/psych/religion interests? Deep thinker? Sometimes thinker? Dartmouth student? Participant in this thing called "life"? This dinner's for you.

Date: TOMORROW, Monday January 28th

Location: Amarna, 23 East Wheelock St.

Time: 6pm [Note the time - it's different this week!]

Chefs: Julia Salinger '15 and Samantha Smith '16

Menu: Veggie lasagna, garlic bread, broccoli, and apple brown betty
Cost: Always free. [Save those swipes.]

Oh man, I can feel my mouth watering already. See you there!

And stay tuned for these professors, coming soon to an MND near you!

2/4: Timothy Pulju
2/11: Christopher Sneddon
2/18: James Stanford
2/25: Edward Meyer

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Richard R. Crocker is the Dean of the Tucker Foundation, as well as the Chaplain of Dartmouth College. He was a Rhodes scholar and is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, as well as a licensed pastoral psychotherapist. Prior to coming to Dartmouth, he was College Chaplain at Bates College and Dean of College Life at Elizabethtown College. He has also served churches in Tennessee and New Jersey. He is interested in the intersection of psychology and religion, as well as the interaction of religion and politics. Dean Crocker is very knowledgeable about the life of William Jewett Tucker, the minister-president for whom the Foundation is named, and he seeks to embody that legacy in contemporary terms. He teaches in the writing program and in the MALS program at the college.