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Like music? Able to catch a rhythm and keep a beat?

If so come check out the Dartmouth Drumline**, a newly-established percussion ensemble looking to spice up the campus music scene.

Available positions are: Snare, Tenor, Base, and Bells.

Come to Hartman Rehearsal Hall (located in the basement of the Hop in the Music Department) at 4:30pm tomorrow (1/18) for more information and to see the equipment.

**Because who hasn't always dreamed of a drum battle like this...?

*Practices will occur on Wednesday from 4:00-5:45pm and on Fridays from 4:30pm-6:00pm
*We accept all skill levels and provide all the equipment
*Plenty of opportunities to perform
*Active in Fall, Winter, and Spring

If interested but can't make the meeting, please contact: [log in to unmask]