We know you missed free home-cooked meals with great conversation...
So we're back for winter term with *Anthropology Professor Chelsey Kivland*!

*Topic*: Haiti and the 2010 earthquake
(She was in Port-au-Prince during the earthquake!)
Whether you're an expert on the topic or have no idea what's going on 
here, this dinner's for you!

*Date*: TUESDAY, January 22nd (since Monday was a holiday)
*Location*: Amarna, 23 East Wheelock St.
*Time*: 7 pm
*Chefs*: Myles McMurchy '16, Zac Myslinski '15, and Karolina Krelinova '14

Falafel Burgers
Mediterranean Spinach
Sweet Potato Soup
Chickpea, Tomato, Cucumber, and Feta Salad*
*And an exciting Czech dessert!

And stay tuned for these professors, coming soon to an MND near you!

1/28: Richard Crocker
2/4: Timothy Pulju
2/11: Christopher Sneddon
2/18: James Stanford

*** Sponsored by Programming Board ***
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Chelsey Kivland's currently teaches and writes in the areas of popular 
politics; anthropology of the state and sovereignty; ritual performance; 
embodiment and performativity; Vodou; carnival and crowd theory; 
anthropology of violence and misery; masculinity; youth; race and 
nation; anthropology of Haiti and the Caribbean; ethnographic methods 
and writing. Her most recent work focuses on Haiti, its state, and local 
organizations after the earthquake. She is currently writing a book on 
an ethnographic account of "the base," the novel socio-political 
formation that has arisen in urban Haiti during the democratic transition.