This Friday, Nov. 9th, at 9 PM, Dartmouth will make history. On that night, Brace Commons will be transformed into a live television studio. Join the Dartmouth and Hanover community as we celebrate the relaunching of the Dartmouth Televison Network. Come down to Brace this Friday, November 9th at 9 PM for the season premiere and live taping of The Dartmouth Television Network's "Dartmouth Tonight" television show!


The show features comedic pieces reminiscent of The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live, special guest interviews, musical performances, a monologue, and just plain out awesomeness. The show is hosted by none other than our network's president. There's no way around it, you have to be there. Not only that, but we'll be joined by the legendary Brown Horse for a heated interview. And it doesn't even stop there! The members of Stories Growing Films will join us to talk about their most recent film, "Hey Tolu". Woah woah we're not done!, get your hand away from that mouse! We'll also have a comedic segment about our love for Dartmouth's 16s, a surprise musical performer, and even more appearances by Dartmouth Tonight's legendary mascot, Brown Horse.

Come be a part of the live audience, watch the show with your friends, and start your night out with Dartmouth Tonight! Seating is available on a first come first serve basis.