
What: First Year Forum: Rocky's Informal Discussion Group for '16s
When: EVERY Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Where: Morrison Commons in the Rockefeller Center (Building on the edge of frat row toward the
              libs.. has the overhang entrance, if you go in the overhang entrance Morrison Commons
              is the first room on your left)
Food: FREE DINNER (not sure what we are serving but will try to send it out in the next blitz)
Topic: "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll at Dartmouth: The Dartmouth Drinking Culture"

Hey '16s!!!

This week's topic should be really really interesting.  As '16s you guys have a unique take on Dartmouth's social scene being the newest class to join it.

-What are your impressions of the Dartmouth social scene thus far?  Did you know about the "Animal House" stereotype coming in to Dartmouth and does the school live up to this reputation?

-Is the Dartmouth drinking culture healthy/unhealthy/inevitable because we are in the middle of nowhere?

-What about the controversial good sam policy??

-How does the Greek Scene fit into all of this?? Would the same drinking culture exist without Greek houses?

-Are social spaces unbalanced at Dartmouth.. ie are their too many male/female dominated spaces?  Is this an issue?

Obviously, this is a controversial topic for many dmouth students... so check out these D articles to hear what others have said in the past:


Peace, Love, and Respect by Nina Bergmar

The Right Route to Respect by Ming Keong Lee

Kali & Sam