...to have your voice heard?

Do you want to express your creativity?

Captured captivating, impressive photos?

Are you yearning to share your


on campus or abroad?

Do you want to share your

thoughts on current events?

Wrote an amazing paper last term?

Do you have to something say?

Created beautiful art?

...answered yes to any of the above?

then submit to Black Praxis!!!

Deadline: October 19th


What is Black Praxis?

*A publication of the Afro-American Society, Black Praxis is an undergraduate literary magazine dedicated to providing news and commentary on the ever-changing events at Dartmouth and around the world.  Created by students of Dartmouth’s Black Community, BP strives to provide a more comprehensive news medium within the College by showcasing all forms of student artwork.  The office is located on the first floor of Cutter Shabazz.


