Curious as to what's going on at the Dartmouth Organic Farm? Ready to get involved? Perhaps build a barn...?!

Here's your opportunity to do just that! 

This fall Dartmouth will be raising a new barn at the organic farm starting mid-October and we need YOU to make it happen.

Come by Collis Commonground TODAY, 5-7pm to....
* see architectual drawings of the new timber-framed barn being built at the farm
* talk to members of the Farm Club about how you can get involved
* sign up to be a work crew leader or a crew volunteer! 

Don't miss this chance to have a lasting impact on the College on the Hill!

If you can't make it to the info session tonight, blitz 'Dartmouth Organic Farm' to learn more about volunteering as a crew member or leader. See position announcement below for barn raising work crew leaders.


Now Recruiting Barn Raising Work Crew Leaders!

Seeking awesome, can-do leaders ready to get their hands dirty and help build (literally) a new barn at the Dartmouth Organic Farm. This fall, the Sustainability Office, Outdoor Programs, the Environmental Studies program and many others are teaming up to replace the old, little white barn at the farm with a new timber framed barn. If you’ve never been to a barn raising, prepare for an awesome experience: This is an exciting project that will bring out lots of new student energy and interest in the farm! The Work Crew leaders will be theheart and soul of the barn-raising – managing teams of student volunteers who will help stain siding, make doors, cut treds for stairs, and cut and nail up siding. Work Crew leaders will learn the basics of timberframing and will meet during September with Timberhomes LLC, Environmental Health & Safety, Farm Manager Scott Stokoe, and the Sustainability Office to develop a work plan for the barn raising. The majority of work hours will take place the second week of October and between October 19th and November 4th. All Crew leaders must be able to attend a mandatory orientation meeting during the week of October 1st and a mandatory safety training on friday, October 19th.

Up to 15 volunteers! 

NOTE: This is an awesome and exciting way to get involved with sustainability at Dartmouth during the fall – However, this is a volunteer position, not  paid,  but these important leaders will be part of the Sustainability Program!