Want to get involved in a meaningful service program at the Haven Adult Shelter, the Upper Valley’s only homeless shelter?

Every Saturday evening, we drive to the shelter to prepare a homemade meal for the shelter residents and then we enjoy dinner as a group. This year we are hoping to expand our program to include a healthy eating initiative and organize other hunger-awareness events. We’re looking for passionate, committed volunteers who want to make an impact on the community outside of Dartmouth! We’re a young organization, so we are open to new ideas—whether it be recipes or on-campus events.



Come to the Haven Adult Shelter’s First Informational Meeting

Wednesday, September 19 at the Tucker 105 at 6:30 P.M.

Ramunto’s Pizza will be served!



Blitz the account if you can't make the meeting but want to be added to our blitz list.

**Tucker is the white building behind the 1953 Commons