Summer is quickly waning, but it's not too late to start following the Big Green Bus and see what we've been up to this summer! We're currently in Denver, CO, getting excited for an urban garden work-day, a tour of Denver's Sustainability Park, and volunteering for the Venus de Miles bike race.

We might be headed your way! Check out the rest of our schedule here:

Find stories and pictures from all across the country on our blog:

And for a fun look at the summer, watch our "Big Green Bus Monologues" videos here:

Keep an eye out for details about information sessions we'll be having this fall to share our experiences from the summer and get applications rolling for the 2013 crew! Feel free to e-mail us with any questions, comments, or brilliant ideas.



Hi there 16s! What on earth IS the Big Green Bus?!
We're 10 Dartmouth students who are touring the country on a waste veggie oil-powered bus to spark dialogue about sustainability and build enthusiasm for environmental action through community involvement. We can't wait to meet you!