Dartmouth for Obama Summer Planning Summit
RSVP: http://ofa.bo/DartmouthPlanning
Sunday, May 20th at 3pm
Baker Library, Room 406

In 2008, young people from across New Hampshire came out like never before and helped elect Barack Obama our nation's next president, and Democratic majorities in Congress. This past semester, students at Dartmouth have begun to pull together campus teams focused on ensuring equally strong youth support for the President and Democrats up and down the ticket in 2012. Come to our Dartmouth for Obama Summer Planning Summit to help solidify our team on campus, learn about how we can stay organized and effective over the summer, and help plan our student strategy for campus, the Upper Valley, and the rest of the Granite State! Please join us by RSVPing at http://ofa.bo/DartmouthPlanning or call Ben Wessel at 202 316 6364 if you have any questions!