Want to join the Chemistry Society for a dinner with Professor Robert
Cantor?  Want to learn more about the chemistry major, what physical
chemistry is, or how to balance life as a chemist and a musician?

When: Wednesday, May 23 at 6pm
Where: Marx Lounge, first floor of the Burke Chemistry Building

*Please RSVP to
**[log in to unmask]*<https://by2prd0310.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=LTkqH4VxFkSI4syjOg-gGQZYAtuNBs8I-rxljfGSte3ZqElIDRNKWeCgXcEKkc7f1nXb8s-hsfI.&URL=mailto%3achemsoc%40dartmouth.edu>
* by Monday 5/21*!