Tucker Spring Fling!
Friday, May 11, 4-6pm
Gold Coast Lawn

A community event for children and mentors of the Upper Valley. Not part of a  
mentoring program? come cheer on kids and classmates as they take on relays, crafts  
and more!!!

Prepare to race with the Dartmouth Women's Soccer seniors, paint bird houses with  
Habitat for Humanity, and make friendship bracelets with sisters of AZD. Tie-dye  
t-shirts with the sisters of Tri Delt, decorate picture frames with participants  
of Generations, and play games with Tiltfactor. Crush the competition in a water  
balloon toss, contribute to a community mural, and have your face painted!!

Now featuring the musical stylings of the Decibelles!!

The more activities you and your mentee complete, the more entries you get in  
the raffle, featuring giftcards to Boloco, Morano Gelato, King Arthur and more

Thanks to all volunteers and a special thanks to the Tucker Program Committee  
for sponsoring this event.