Have you ever been homeless?

 Know someone who has?

Learned about it?

Know the struggles of having affordable housing?

Think this is a topic that needs to be discussed on this campus?

Well, then we need you. Habitat for Humanity will be creating an event entitled "One night without a Home". Whether you've gone on an ASB involving homelessness or poverty, have a personal experience of tackling the possibility of being/being homeless, taught or had a course on the subject, or are in a campus or performing group that would like to get involved with the effort. 

Let us know! 

Imagine the forum to be similar to TEDx in this style. Where someone can share their experiences for 5 minutes if that's necessary or have a 15 minute discussion if they would like as well. I hope to have performing groups throughout the day (hopefully!) and then show a series of films towards the night. 

Blitz the "Habitat" account with any or all levels of interest and we can collectively bring this issue to light.