Tonight April 19th 
~~**Real Foods Dinner at ’53 Commons**~~
5:30pm -- 7:30pm
Come to ’53 commons for dinner and see what kind of real food is being served at Dartmouth
The Sustainability Office’s Food Interns will be at ’53 Commons during dinnertime to talk to you about Real Food at Dartmouth. For more information visit

Saturday April 21st 
~~**Dartmouth Lorax Awards**~~
5pm, Reception in Top of the Hop
6pm, Awards ceremony in Alumni Hall
Food, Cash Bar, Photobooth, the Big Green Bus, performances by Sing Dynasty and Subtleties, door prizes and more! Formal/Flair attire encouraged.
Co-Sponsored by: AD, AZD, Chi Gam, Herot, EKT, KD, KDE, Psi U, SAE, Sigma Delt, and TDX 

Sunday, April 22nd

~~**Earth Day Concert: Tumbling Bones**~~
6--8pm, One Wheelock
Bluegrass music for the soul sponsored by Programming Board, Green Groups Directorate and the Sustainability Office!