***TDX in association with the Dartmouth Athletic Department, GLOS and the Greek System presents: Anti-Hazing Speaker Rick Farnham***

***Tuesday February 28 at 7 pm in Collis Commonground***

Join former UVM Athletic Director Rick Farnham in discussing the role of hazing on college campuses and its effect on physical and emotional development.  Mr. Farnham boasts more than 30 years as an administrator of athletics.  He continues to present on leadership in preventing hazing across the country.

The discussion will include his involvement in a hazing scandal that canceled the 1999-2000 UVM Men’s Hockey Season.

Co-Sponsors: TDX, IFC, Panhell, the Dartmouth GLOS office, the Dartmouth Athletic Department, Alpha Chi, AD, Beta, BG, Chi Gam, Heorot, GDX, Tri-Kap, Phi Delt, Psi U, SAE, Sig Nu, Sig Ep, Zete

Supporters: Alpha Phi, Tri-Delt, EKT, KKG, KD, KDE, SD