There's still winter out there, we promise, and it's gorgeous gorgeous. As per
usual, blitz the leader with your DID# to sign up. 

Cabin and Trail meets on Mondays evenings at 10pm in the basement of Robinson


Dinertoure/Ice Skating at Dan Nelson's House!
Leave at 6:30 AM, RSVP to [log in to unmask]

This week we break the dinertoure mold. We shall drive to Dan Nelson's
house, where we shall enjoy a delicious breakfast, ice skate, and mingle
with OPO (bring your best cocktail party conversation starters...and
enders). We shall say please and thank you, and we won't etch "Dinertoure
wuz hurr" into the linoleum counters with a blow torch. We shall comport
ourselves with elegance, and we will show adults that Dinertoure is not
just a breeding ground for the school's hoodlums, a race to the bottom of
decor and decency. Join us on Wednesday--we were people once, and we shall
learn to be people again. The ride is free, the skates are free (thank you
Mike Silverman!), the meal is free ( thank you Dan Nelson!). Boom.

CnT Feed
@The Rock, 16 Sargeant St. 
7pm, $4 for dinner
Charlie and Julia are making pizzas. One of them has lived in Rome and the
other is named Governali, so they probably make mediocre pizzas. 


2:00 Friday Feb 24 to 2:00 Sunday Feb 26
$30 For DOC members

Spend the weekend exploring the Collegeis 27,000 acre (110 km2!) land holding
in northern New Hampshire. Weill drive to the grant Friday afternoon and
ski/hike in to Peaks and Samis Cabins. The cabins will serve as our home base
for excursions around the grant by Nordic Ski, Snowshoe, and Dog Sled all
weekend. We will cook meals and sleep at the cabins, and gather with outing
club alumni for stories and songs Saturday night. No skiing or snoeshowing
experience needed, equipment will be provided. Some flexibility in departure
times will be possible.
Blitz Madeline Leser, Molly McBride or Zachary Martinez with questions or to
sign up.


Hike to Gile Mountain! 

Message to Whole, Entire (Mmhmm, That Means You Too) Dartmouth Community:

Time to walk up another mountain in our midst
a firetower-laden mount, by the name of Gile. If you are coming with us, sign
up to a list.
We welcome you, if we've seen you never
 or simply in a short or long while.

WHY: It's good to know what's around you;
what's around you can be really pretty,
and contextualizing...especially if you walk in it.

WHAT: Walk casually up a little mountain$A0
which is a 10 minute drive away, be with people,
be with yourself, see gorgeous views of around us$A0
by walking up a ladder on a firetower (optional, obviously!)

WHEN: Gather behind Robo with all who want to come
at 9 AM on Sunday morning. Back by 12 PM.

WHO: Everyone! If you are wondering if we really mean$A0
everyone, then blitz Farzeen Mahmud or Max Deibel
and see what they say!

COST: $2 DOC, $4 non-DOC

SIGN UP: Blitz Farzeen Mahmud your DA$H number$A0
by Thursday morning.


Come next week for the annual Take Off Your Clothes Night. 10pm, Robinson Hall.