Do you know that 10,000 patients per year in America whose ONLY hope for cure  
is a marrow transplant from someone OUTSIDE their family?

Do you know that only 4 out of 10 patients receive the marrow transplant they  

You can be a lifesaver for someone else's dear beloved by becoming a member of  
the National Bone Marrow Registry!


"Be the Match" National Bone Marrow Registry

Wednesday, February 15
2 pm - 11 pm
Novack Cafe

5 pm - 8 pm
'53 Commons


Quick Facts about the National Bone Marrow Registry:

- Joining the bone marrow registry takes 10 minutes and involves a simple cheek  
- Chances of you being a match are slim
- Donation is not mandatory even if you are a match
- 75% of procedures are non-surgical, non-invasive, and outpatient. Modern medical  
technologies are able to extract bone marrow cells from your blood. Recovery usually  
only takes one day.
- For surgeries, recovery is usually within a week and anesthetic is used

If you have any questions about the procedure, please blitz "CAPS".

Note: If you've registered in one of our previous drives, there's no need to do  
it again.