Do we have a weekly for you this week folks,

- Some just great illustrations by Kimi Brown--The Queens of Cockblock
-A revealing insight into MTV's past in antique selling called "Lost MTV Show" by a very exciting young comic: Matt Garczynski '14, everybody!
- Later on we'll have surreal flashbacks about the joys of the McRib! In a piece we here at the staff like to call a "A Brief Encounter Outside a McDonald's" by Charlie Laud '14)
-...and an announcement concerning a new sponsor of the Jack-O-Lantern the whole staff is very excited about.
- Josh Hartnett will also be on the program talking about his new book, "How I Am and Am Not Like Mahatma Gandhi" 

Now we'll take you out to commercial with the Jack-O-Lantern House Band: A vinyl of Marvin Gaye singing "Let's Get It On" on infinite repeat. 

We're the Dartmouth Jack-O-Lantern!
Stick around!