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Amarna is excited to invite you to our first Monday Night Dinner of the term!

    Monday 01/23 (TODAY!), 7 PM
    A free home cooked dinner and a discussion with professor Christopher Ball from the Anthropology Department (and his daughter!)
      Amarna, 23 East Wheelock (past the Gym, cross the crossroads, second house on your left. Across the street from Kappa Kappa Gamma)
    Pasta, salad and a dessert surprise (the dessert will be delicious, but its identity completely depends on the whims of the kitchen elves)

You should come. We're excited to see you!

Not a house, a home.

Sponsored by Programming Board
Monday Night Dinner:  A (bi)weekly event at Amarna on Mondays at 7.  We invite a professor, a member of the faculty, or of the community to join us for dinner
and have an open discussion about the topic of the week.  All dinners are homemade and always include a vegetarian option and dessert.  Informal.  Casual.  Delicious
______________________________________________________________________ What IS Amarna?
Amarna is essentially a clubhouse full of friends who like to cook and hang out and throw events that reflect the changing interests of its dynamic membership.
are technically an "Undergraduate Society", co-ed, and have none of this rush and pledge business.  Come check us out!