Seven Keys to More Effective Advocacy: How to Achieve More Change Faster with the Public, Business, and Government
A Talk by Caryn Ginsberg '83
Friday January 20th
4 p.m., Rocky 002

Why won't the public, businesses, and government do what seems obvious to hard-working advocates?
Every day, people invest time, expertise, energy, and money to make the world better but often with little to show for it.
What makes the difference between success and frustration?

Find out what leading advocates know that allows them to score impressive victories. This high energy, interactive session will teach you seven simple keys that you can use to get the results that you and the world deserve. You will leave with a better understanding of how social change happens as well as practical ideas to transform your advocacy without needing more time or money.

The talk will include insight and examples from the new book Animal Impact: Secrets Proven to Achieve Results and Move the World. Though developed for the animal protection field, the lessons apply equally to ALL fields of advocacy. One attendee will win a free copy of the book in a drawing, and additional copies will be available at the special price of $15 (cash only), a savings of nearly 40%.

Author Caryn (CC) Ginsberg '83 has spent over a decade using her business expertise to help animal protection organizations get better results. She holds an A.B. in economics/mathematics from Dartmouth College as well as an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

***Hosted by the Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group***