Blitz [log in to unmask] to RSVP!

||||||||||||||||||LOOK @ the HOOD EVENT||||||||||||||||||

Spend an evening with Hood programming interns Emma Routhier
'12, Kayla Gilbert '12, and Professor Colin Calloway as he
leads us through Dartmouth's rich and complicated Native
American history, while we engage with some amazing art on
view in the Native American Art at Dartmouth exhibition!!

Hood Museum of Art

Wednesday, January 18th

7:00 - 8:30pm

RSVP to "LOOK at the HOOD" (Participation limited to 15

_____________ NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! _____________

"Like" the HOOD on Facebook and look out for blitzes about
more programs this winter, including a STUDENT PARTY!

To Learn more about the Native American Art at Dartmouth
exhibition, visit the Hood's website:



LOOK @ the HOOD Winter Events:

**To register for any of these programs, Blitz Look at the

-Exploring Mateo Romero's Pow-Wow Suite

Featuring Kayla Gebeck '12

Friday, January 20th at 4:00pm

-Living Traditions: Native American Beadwork

Featuring a student presenter

February date and time TBD

-Telling Stories: Native American Art and Ceremony

Featuring Prof. Sergei Kan

February date and time TBD

-*Student Party*

Friday, February 24th, 8:00 ? 10:00 PM

LOOKing forward to seeing you there!