My name's Chandler the Chihuahua and boy do I have some great Jack-o-Lantern articles for you this week! They're funny, entertaining, edgy, and, best of all, they're going to put food in my bowl!


You see, as a solitary chihuahua, every day is a struggle for survival! I have to avoid being eaten by larger dogs/people, I have to avoid being stepped on by larger dogs/people, and I have to avoid being sat on by larger dogs/people! I also have to survive the embarrassing moments when my owner dresses me up in a green vest and carries me around in his purse! And I have a heart condition and anxiety attacks!

Lately, though, my owner has been skimping on my food because he thinks a 50 pound chihuahua is "overweight!" What the hell does he know?! Anyway, the Jack-O-Lantern has graciously agreed to donate half a pound of food to me for every view they get on this week's weeklies! Isn't that great?! So use the link below and help a poor starving chihuahua out! Thanks!




"Pirate Comics" by Matt Garczynski '14

"Blind Date" by Kenny Baclawski '12

"Cool Designs for Socks" by Alex Procton '15

"Canadians Invade Hanover!" also by Alex Procton '15

"The Facts of Life" by Michael Lenke '15

"Uses for SIRI: iPhone Digital Assistant" by Mike Gillis '12


Note: the Jack-O-Lantern is NOT donating food to Chandler. He is beyond morbidly obese and doesn't need any more food. We merely told him we would give him food so that he would write this whole thing because we're all too busy and he is somehow literate. Don't judge us. He's a bad dog. He pooped on the carpet. And he ate his cute little green vest. And he uses too many exclamation points. We would appreciate you reading our articles though.
