Want to promote a more inclusive concept of beauty on campus while showing off what makes you feel AWESOME?

Want to show the world what you think beauty really is?

We don’t care who you are, what you wear, or how you define yourself.

Showcase your inner beauty at Claim the Catwalk on Sunday, November 13, 7-9pm in Collis Commonground!

Blitz back by November 6th if you are interested in being a Representative of Real Beauty. If there is a specific song you would like played when you strut your stuff, please blitz that in to us as well!

There will be a meeting for all interested students on Thursday, November 10th at 5pm in Collis 101. If for some reason either of these dates are an issue for you, please let us know and we will work something out. We don’t want to leave out anyone that wants to participate!

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Dartmouth's Real Beauty Initiative's mission is to support men and women
of any age, size, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, and
socioeconomic status to embrace their own beauty as each is able to
individually define it. The purpose is to expand Dartmouth's views on
what it means to be beautiful, and to support those feeling marginalized
by our culture, media, and how beauty ideals are currently being

Want to know more? Check out www.realbeautyinitiative.wordpress.com