A Community Celebration to Welcome '15s

This Thursday, September 29
7 - 8 pm
Top of the Hop (Hopkins Center)

* Entire campus is welcome (really!)
Casual Dress

     *  Student performances
     *  Info about Asian related student orgs.
     *  Yummy desserts


Groups will be presenting:

AASPIRE (Pan Asian Women's Group)
Agape Christian Fellowship (ACF)
Al-Nur (Muslim)
Chinese Dance Troupe (CDT)
Dartmouth Asian Organization (DAO)
Dartmouth China Care Club
Dartmouth Chinese Culture Society (DCCS)
Dartmouth Chinese Teaching Society
Dartmouth Japan Society (DJS)
Global China Connection
International Students Association (ISA)
Korean Students Association (KSA)
Milan (South Asian/South Asian American)
North Korea Project (NKP)
Pan Asian Council (PAC- Asian/Asian American
         Umbrella Student Group)
Raaz (South Asian Competitive Dance Troupe)
Shanti (Hindu)
Students of Hong Kong (SoHK)
Taal (South Asian Acapella Group)
Vandana (South Asian Dance Troupe)
Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)
Women of Color Collective (WoCC)

Sponsored by the many groups that make up the Pan Asian Council (PAC) 
and the Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL).