what?! Dartmouth has a farm? no way... Come check it out! It's going to be really fun-- tours of the farm, get your hands dirty in some worm composting bins, eat veggies, swim if you'd like (we're right on the river), meet other students involved in the farm, or come to just enjoy the space and see what the farm is all about. And bring your floormates and friends! We hope to see you all there! There will be rides leaving from behind robo regularly between 2 and 4. Its also supposed to be nice out so biking, walking, and running are also viable options. The farm's address is 100 lyme road, it's only 3 miles away from campus. Again-- its TOMORROW so come check it out! recap: intro to the farm event = really really fun. tomorrow (sunday) 2-4 p.m. eat.work.play.swim.relax.talk.nice. -farmfarm-